Ecclesiastes 3:11
He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.
My photography journey began at a young age when I discovered my desire to memorialize the picturesque landscapes I was fortunate to see as a child. I sought to take pictures that could evoke the same feelings of awe that struck me when God’s creation was sprawled out in front of me. These photos were a gateway to all of the memories and stories from these places that I cherished. It was this endearing passion that spurred the inception of Beauty in Time Photography.
While my passion for photography began primarily with landscape and nature photography, I found myself enamored with the concept of capturing God’s ultimate creation; You! I started Beauty in Time Photography with the intention of capturing the unique and beautiful aspect each and every one of us brings to the world. My goal is that every photo elicits joy and captures the beauty of its subject. I feel very blessed to be behind the lens and revel at the thought of capturing your Beautiful Moments in Time.
From Behind the Lens,
Elaina Richards - Beauty in Time Photography